Cavapoo Health and Care Guide

Cavapoo laying on couch

Photo Credit: Olesya Hatata-Zubenko in our Maltipoo Facebook Group

Understanding Cavapoo health is a critical aspect for potential and current owners of this designer breed. Awareness of the common health issues inherited from their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle parent breeds not only equips individuals to make informed decisions before adopting a Cavapoo but also enables them to provide optimal care for their existing pet. Being familiar with signs and symptoms of common health problems facilitates early veterinary intervention, leading to better health outcomes. This knowledge contributes significantly to the pet's overall quality of life and lifespan, underlining its importance in responsible pet ownership.

Cavapoo Nutrition Essentials

Proper nutrition is paramount to your Cavapoo's overall health, influencing their weight management, immunity, and longevity. A well-balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals is vital for their development and well-being.

  • High-Quality Protein: Your Cavapoo's diet should prioritize high-quality animal protein to foster growth and muscle development.

  • Feeding Schedule: Young Cavapoos benefit from multiple small meals throughout the day. Once they reach adulthood, a feeding schedule of twice a day is generally sufficient.

  • Choosing Appropriate Food: Seek out dog food brands known for their high-quality ingredients and minimal filler content. Keep in mind that some Cavapoos may have food allergies or sensitivities, necessitating a bit of trial and error to find the right fit.

  • Hydration: Consistent access to clean, fresh water is non-negotiable for your Cavapoo.

  • Preventing Obesity: Cavapoos, like many breeds, can be prone to obesity. Monitoring their weight, preventing overfeeding, and ensuring regular exercise will help mitigate this risk.

  • Consultation with a Vet: Always engage with your vet for personalized dietary advice considering your Cavapoo's age, size, activity level, and health status.

Investing in high-quality food and feeding your Cavapoo appropriately contributes significantly to their long-term health. Optimal nutrition can prevent various health issues, ensuring a happier, healthier life for your companion.

Cavapoo Health Issues

While Cavapoos are generally a healthy breed, they can be prone to certain health issues inherited from their parent breeds or due to their physical characteristics. Here are some common health concerns for Cavapoos:

  1. Mitral Valve Disease (MVD): This is a heart condition often seen in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, one of the Cavapoo's parent breeds. It involves degeneration of the heart's mitral valve and can lead to heart murmurs or, if untreated, heart failure.

  2. Syringomyelia: This neurological condition, again associated with Cavaliers, occurs due to a malformation in the skull reducing the space available for the brain, leading to the development of fluid-filled cavities within the spinal cord.

  3. Hip Dysplasia: Both Cavaliers and Poodles can be prone to this condition, in which the hip joint doesn't fit properly into the hip socket. This can cause discomfort, limping, and in severe cases, arthritis.

  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): PRA is a genetic disease common in Poodles that causes the retina to gradually deteriorate, leading to night blindness and eventually total loss of sight.

  5. Sebaceous Adenitis: This rare skin condition, typically found in Poodles, results in inflammation of the sebaceous glands, leading to hair loss and potential skin infections.

  6. Luxating Patellas: This condition, common in small dog breeds like Cavapoos, involves the dislocation of the kneecap.

  7. Ear Infections: Cavapoos, with their floppy ears, can be prone to ear infections as moisture can get trapped. Regular ear checks and cleaning can help prevent this issue.

Awareness of these potential health issues can help Cavapoo owners detect symptoms early, consult with a veterinarian promptly, and effectively manage the condition if it arises. Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and consistent exercise are crucial to maintaining your Cavapoo's overall health.

Prevention of Health Problems in Cavapoos

Preventing health problems in Cavapoos involves a combination of proactive care, regular vet visits, a healthy diet, and good hygiene. Here are some tips to help prevent health issues in your Cavapoo:

  1. Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular vet visits can help identify any potential health problems early, allowing for quicker treatment and better outcomes. Your vet can provide routine screenings for common health issues, vaccinations, and deworming as needed.

  2. Genetic Testing: If you're getting your Cavapoo from a breeder, ensure that they conduct genetic testing on the parent dogs. This can help identify potential risks for genetic conditions like Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) or Mitral Valve Disease (MVD).

  3. Balanced Diet: Provide your Cavapoo with a nutritionally balanced diet suitable for their age, size, and activity level. High-quality dog food can help maintain their overall health and reduce the risk of diseases linked to poor nutrition.

  4. Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential for your Cavapoo's overall health. Regular walks, play sessions, and mental stimulation can keep them fit, help maintain a healthy weight, and decrease the risk of diseases such as hip dysplasia.

  5. Dental Care: Regular brushing of your Cavapoo's teeth can help prevent dental diseases. You can also provide dental chews and consider professional dental cleanings as advised by your vet.

  6. Ear Care: Since Cavapoos can be prone to ear infections, regular ear checks and cleaning can help prevent this. Talk to your vet about the proper technique and frequency for cleaning your Cavapoo's ears.

  7. Weight Management: Keeping your Cavapoo at a healthy weight can prevent conditions like hip dysplasia and heart disease. Regular exercise and portion control can help manage your pet's weight.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Being proactive in managing your Cavapoo's health can lead to a longer, healthier, and happier life for your furry friend.

What is the Cause of Death for Cavapoos?

The primary cause of death in Cavapoos is heart disease, specifically Mitral Valve Disease (MVD), an inherited condition prevalent in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, one of the parent breeds of Cavapoos. Hence, it's crucial to engage with trustworthy breeders when considering a Cavapoo puppy to minimize this risk.

Why Pet Insurance is Essential for Cavapoos

Pet insurance is a vital aspect to consider for Cavapoo owners. It serves as a financial safeguard against unexpected health complications or accidents. This is especially pertinent for Cavapoo puppies, who, before receiving their full vaccinations, may be susceptible to various diseases.

  • Addressing Sudden Health Concerns: The first month at home can be a sensitive period for your Cavapoo. They might be exposed to infections such as Parvo or Giardia, particularly in areas frequented by many dogs, like dog parks or pet boarding facilities. Treatment for these conditions can be expensive, and having pet insurance eases this financial burden.

  • Peace of Mind: Pet insurance options, like Trupanion, which offers 30 days of free coverage for new pets, lets you concentrate on nurturing your Cavapoo rather than fretting about possible vet expenses. It provides the reassurance that you can afford to give your pet the best care without breaking the bank.

  • Flexibility: Most pet insurances grant you the freedom to modify or terminate your coverage later. Hence, you may opt to keep the insurance only during vulnerable periods or retain it for continuous coverage.

  • Anticipated Health Conditions: Cavapoos, like any breed, may be predisposed to certain health issues. Insurance can help offset the expenses of managing these conditions, which can be significant at times.

In essence, pet insurance is about risk management rather than profit or savings. Having pet insurance guarantees that if your Cavapoo requires costly medical treatment, the expense will not deter you from providing the necessary care.

Cavapoo puppy with disease

Photo Credit: Sylvia Raven-Azzaro in our Maltipoo Facebook Group

Grooming for Cavapoos' Health

Regular grooming is more than maintaining your Cavapoo's attractive appearance; it's vital for their overall health and well-being, helping to detect potential health concerns early.

  • Brushing: Consistent brushing helps keep your Cavapoo's coat free of mats and stimulates blood circulation to their skin. It allows you to spot any changes that may need veterinary attention.

  • Bathing: Bathe your Cavapoo every 1-2 weeks to keep their skin healthy and coat clean, using a dog-safe shampoo and conditioner to prevent skin irritation.

  • Eye and Ear Care: Cavapoos can be susceptible to ear infections and eye problems, so regular cleaning can help avert these issues. Always watch for signs of discomfort, redness, or unusual discharge.

  • Dental Care: Keep dental diseases at bay with regular teeth cleaning. You can brush your Cavapoo's teeth or use dental chews to maintain oral health.

  • Nail Trimming: Regular nail trimming or grinding prevents discomfort or pain from overgrown nails.

  • Professional Grooming: A professional groomer who is familiar with Cavapoos can help in maintaining your dog's health.

Regular grooming not only ensures your Cavapoo's comfort but also strengthens your bond with them and supports their overall health.

Training and Socialization for Your Cavapoo”s Health

Proper training and socialization are crucial for your Cavapoo's health and well-being. These activities provide mental stimulation, manage energy levels, build confidence, and prevent behavioral problems.

  • Training: Teaching your Cavapoo obedience commands and house training helps create a well-behaved, balanced pet. Training also mentally stimulates your Cavapoo, and positive reinforcement methods work best with this breed.

  • Socialization: Early exposure to various environments, people, and animals is crucial for your Cavapoo. It can help prevent behavioral issues related to fear or aggression, and help them adjust to different situations as they grow.

  • Exercise: Regular physical activities are important to maintain healthy weight and muscle tone, and help channel your Cavapoo's energy, reducing unwanted behaviors.

  • Mental Stimulation: Cavapoos, like their Poodle ancestors, are intelligent and enjoy mental challenges. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and training can help keep their minds engaged.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding good behavior with treats, toys, or affection helps your Cavapoo learn effectively and fosters a strong bond between you both.

Starting a training and socialization routine early helps your Cavapoo become a well-adjusted adult, contributing to their overall health and longevity.

The Impact of Neutering/Spaying on a Cavapoo's Health

Neutering (in males) or spaying (in females) refers to the surgical removal of an animal's reproductive organs. This is a common practice with various implications for a Cavapoo's health, both positive and negative:

Positive Impacts:

  1. Prevention of Unwanted Litters: The most immediate impact of spaying or neutering is the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and litters, contributing to the control of the pet population.

  2. Prevention of Health Problems: Neutering or spaying can reduce the risk of certain health issues. For instance, spaying a female Cavapoo can help prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50% of dogs. Neutering a male Cavapoo can prevent testicular cancer and some prostate problems.

  3. Behavioral Benefits: Neutered male Cavapoos are often less aggressive, less likely to mark territories (urine marking), and less prone to roaming in search of a mate. Spayed females will not go into heat, thus avoiding the associated behaviors such as restlessness and attracting male dogs.

Negative Impacts:

  1. Risk of Obesity: Neutering or spaying can cause changes in your Cavapoo's metabolism, potentially making them more prone to obesity. You can mitigate this risk with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

  2. Surgical and Anesthetic Risks: As with any surgical procedure, neutering and spaying involve a small risk from anesthesia and surgery. However, these risks are generally low, especially in healthy animals.

  3. Possible Health Risks: Some research suggests that neutering/spaying can increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as urinary incontinence in females and certain types of cancer. However, these risks are generally low and should be discussed with your vet to understand the full context.

Ultimately, the decision to neuter or spay your Cavapoo should be made in consultation with your vet, considering your pet's age, health status, and lifestyle, as well as your ability to manage any potential offspring. It's a significant decision that can impact your Cavapoo's life and health, so it's essential to be informed and consider all aspects.

The Importance of Dental Health in Cavapoos

Dental health is an essential aspect of your Cavapoo's overall well-being. Like humans, dogs can suffer from a range of dental problems, from bad breath and tartar buildup to serious conditions like periodontal disease. Regular dental care can prevent many of these issues, contributing to your Cavapoo's long-term health and happiness.

Cavapoo with mouth open

Why Dental Health is Crucial for Cavapoos

  • Prevention of oral diseases: Regular dental care can prevent the development of oral diseases like gingivitis and periodontal disease, which can cause pain, tooth loss, and even affect your Cavapoo's organs if bacteria enter the bloodstream.

  • Eliminates bad breath: Bad breath is often a sign of an unhealthy mouth. Regular dental care helps ensure fresh breath.

  • Prevention of tooth loss: Cavapoos can suffer from tooth loss due to poor dental health. This can affect their ability to eat properly and can lead to malnutrition.

Tips for Maintaining Your Cavapoo's Dental Health

  • Regular brushing: Brush your Cavapoo's teeth regularly using a dog-safe toothpaste. Start this habit while they're young to get them accustomed to the process.

  • Professional dental cleanings: Regular professional cleanings by a vet can help remove stubborn tartar and spot early signs of dental diseases.

  • Dental chews and toys: Dental chews and toys can help clean your Cavapoo's teeth and gums while also providing mental stimulation.

  • Healthy diet: A balanced diet that includes good quality dog food can contribute to your Cavapoo's dental health.

  • Regular check-ups: Regular vet check-ups can help identify dental issues early, preventing them from becoming more serious problems.

Remember, a Cavapoo with a healthy mouth is a happier, healthier pet. So make dental health an integral part of your Cavapoo's care routine.


Maintaining your Cavapoo's health involves understanding their unique health needs, especially those inherited from their parent breeds, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Poodle. Regular vet visits, balanced diet, exercise, and proper dental care are critical for their overall health. Ensuring their health is a long-term commitment, with efforts including prevention of potential health issues and management of chronic conditions, which ultimately contributes to their happiness and overall quality of life. A healthy Cavapoo not only ensures a joyful companion but also a content pet parent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do Cavapoos have digestive issues?

A: Yes, Cavapoos can have digestive issues. While they are generally a healthy breed, they are susceptible to certain health problems, including gastrointestinal issues that can lead to symptoms like diarrhea.

Q: Do Cavapoos have breathing problems?

A: Yes, Cavapoos can potentially have breathing problems due to their shorter snouts. They are susceptible to Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS), also known as Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS), which is a respiratory condition caused by a series of congenital defects.

Q: Do Cavapoos have sensitive stomachs?

A: Yes, Cavapoos are known to have sensitive stomachs and can be quite selective eaters. Certain foods might upset their digestive systems, leading to discomfort and digestive issues. It's essential to provide them with a balanced, easily digestible diet tailored to their specific needs.