My Doodle Puppy Blog

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How to Spot a Puppy Scam
tips Marlene Kingston tips Marlene Kingston

How to Spot a Puppy Scam

Puppy buying is at an all-time high right now and with that comes an alarming number of puppy scams. The technology we have today makes it very easy to do all of our research and puppy buying online. Purchasing a puppy without ever seeing it in person can be scary, but there are some red flags that you can watch for to make sure you are getting a puppy from a great breeder. It is very easy to find a good breeder when you know which questions to ask.

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health, grooming Marlene Kingston health, grooming Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Bad Breath

There is nothing like calling your Maltipoo that is well groomed and cleaned over to you, just to have them jump in your lap and give you a good whiff of overpowering bad breath. If this has happened to you, you are not alone.

Some dogs have acute bad breath while others have stubborn chronic issues that don’t seem to ever go away. Bad breath is not uncommon with canines.

In this article we will go over why your maltipoo may have bad breath and tips on keeping it smelling great.

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health, grooming Marlene Kingston health, grooming Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Ears

In this article we will discuss the three most important things about the Maltipoo ears.

Shape and Size - Most importantly, we will talk about erect vs drop ears.

Cleaning and Care of the Ears - This is an important, but often overlooked element of grooming.

Ear Infections - This is a common problem with Maltipoos. While it can happen to any dog at any time, the ear shape and thickness can contribute to this, as well as a lack of regular ear cleanings.

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tips, supplies Marlene Kingston tips, supplies Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Winter Care

Every season is different when caring for your Maltipoo. The bitter, cold winter is the most important time of year to take some extra care to help your Maltipoo adjust to the new weather.

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health Marlene Kingston health Marlene Kingston

Is Your Dog Suffering from Cushing's Disease?

Cushing's disease is one of the worst canine diseases. The diagnosis of the disease is difficult, and there are no known cures that are full proof. The disease affects the endocrine system of dogs and results in the overproduction of cortisol in the adrenal glands.

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Maltipoo Obedience Training Progress Journey
training Marlene Kingston training Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Obedience Training Progress Journey

To help you understand your puppy’s progress through our obedience training program, we wanted to put together this article with included weekly progress videos. Training a puppy can be a lot of hard work with dedication and consistency being paramount in her learning.

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