What to Expect from Your 12 Month Old Puppy
12 month old maltipoo.
At this age your dog will be mostly full grown and gone through all of the stages of a puppy. They will bet at the full height and the maturity level will be mostly that of an adult dog. They should have settled into their personality and habits right now. If properly trained you shouldn’t have many surprises past this point.
Here are some details on the specifics of where your 12 month old Maltipoo will likely be.
How Big - Maltipoos stop growing around 6-8 months. Maltipoos weigh between 3 and 20 lbs and stand between 4 and 14 inches at the shoulder.
Teething - By 12 months, all of their permanent teeth should be in, and they shouldn't be teething anymore.
Ability to hold urine - At this age, they will be able to hold urine for up to 8 hours but should not be expected to any longer. These times should be kept in mind when leaving your dog alone.
Intelligence - At this point, their brain will be almost fully developed if not fully developed, and it will be challenging to teach them new things or correct bad habits, so it is best to get all training done before this time.
Agility - Maltipoos at this age will have 90% of their skill as an adult dog, and they become very accurate and have excellent eye coordination.
Sleep - Your dog will be sleeping around 10-18 hours a day. Puppies usually sleep the same amount of time as adult dogs, but their sleep schedules differ from ours. They sleep a lot more, but they also wake up more often.
Physical appearance and coat - Your dog will look very much like an adult at this age and will have its adult coat. It will need to be brushed regularly and groomed about once a month.
Puberty: Most Maltipoos go through puberty at six months, but it can be anywhere between 4-8 months. They won’t be growing much past this point so everything you buy for them from clothes to bedding should accommodate them for a long time to come.