7 Reasons Why Dogs Are The Best Pets

Do you need an excuse to get a dog? Because we have here 7 reasons why dogs are the best pets. Whether you’re trying to convince a friend, parent, brother, sister, aunt, niece, nephew or even considering one for yourself we can help you make that decision easier. We are here to convince you that dogs really are some of the best pets you could ever have. 

  1. Dogs Make You Healthier 

Girl and her dog running on a road with grassy fields on either side

Dogs are one of the few animals that can help you live your best and healthiest life. First of all, dogs can can help you exercise. Exercise has so many different benefits which include lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and so much more. Your dog is the best workout partner you'll ever have. People are more likely to do things for others than for themselves, so if you are like other people you will do everything you can to keep your dog healthy and make sure they get the exercise they need. By doing that you are also ensuring that you get your exercise, as you will be going on walks and runs with them.

2. They Are Smart 

Dogs are easily one of the smartest pets you could have. They are not only amazing at reading emotions but also at responding to them. If you express sadness, your dog might mirror that emotion, showcasing their empathy. This emotional intelligence is particularly beneficial during training. Dogs can sense when you're upset and quickly learn to avoid behaviors that make you mad. Additionally, dogs can learn and understand up to a hundred words, proving their intelligence. Overall, a dog's ability to understand and empathize with you makes them the perfect pet.

3. They Make You Happier

Girl in a hammock taking a selfie she has a dog on her lap

It is scientifically proven that dogs make people happier. They lower stress and anxiety, helping you forget about your daily worries. Dogs are such funny characters that you'll spend your days laughing and smiling with your precious pet. You will never be lonely with your forever companion by your side. Through everything, your dog will be with you, helping you manage stress and worries.

4. They Teach You To Be A Better Person

Out of all the 7 reasons why dogs are the best pets, one stands out as particularly important: their ability to teach us how to become better people. Dogs are incredibly forgiving and loving. As long as you are patient with them, they will be patient with you. They are selfless and kind, always giving more than they receive.

Caring for a dog teaches us a lot of things like responsibility, organization, love, loyalty, and many more attributes. Dogs are have organs, hearts, and much more so dogs need the same things human need. Like food, socialization, exercise, love, compassion, and friend. Dogs have emotions and need that comfort and love just as much as humans do. Another thing is if you have kids it helps to teach them responsibility, preparing them for the world. So, why wouldn't you want a dog?

5. They Are Easy To Please 

Dogs are such simple creatures; all they need are cuddles, food, and exercise. They won't be mad at you if you leave them alone for a while; instead, they will love you even more when you come back. As long as you feed them a balanced diet, they will happily eat whatever you give them without any complaints. They won’t judge your cooking or criticize your choice of movies. Dogs are some of the most non-judgmental and easy-to-please pets you could ever have. Their simplicity and unconditional love make them perfect companions.

6. They Protect you 

A beautiful black and white dog laying in front of a house guarding it

It doesn't matter if your dog is big or small; they will always do their best to protect you. If they hear something strange they will bark to alert you. If see something strange they will alert you. They will keep an eye out whenever you’re not around. This shows how loving and caring dogs are—they are always ready to serve and do whatever it takes to keep you safe. There have been so many accounts of dogs either saving their owners and saving family members. After searching and reading some of these stories you may have a different perspective dogs and we hope you consider one.

7. They Are So Social

Two guys talking on a bridge with their dogs

Do you struggle with socializing? If you do, a dog is perfect for you. These furry creatures love people and other dogs so much, and while you do things to make sure they get their socialization you will inadvertently be getting your in as well. Interacting with other dog lovers and getting to know new and amazing people. What a perfect excuse to socialize without the stress and worry, because really you are not there for yourself, you are there for your dog. 


Now you know 7 reasons why dogs are the best pets and you should be thoroughly convinced to get one if you have not already. If you do get a dog you will find that it will be one of the best decisions you could make. Dogs are really the best pets ever! 


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